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Here you gonna find trustable, internationally paying programs which allow the surfer to make extra money on the net while displaying advertisements. Idea of the programs is simple. You rent some of your desktop space to the company for ad displaying. In this space company's adbar opens and displays various ads. Each hour, your balance increases as they pay for hourly rental. Of course it is not obligatory to run the program everytime youre on the net. You can run them whenever you like. Generally you'll only be paid if you run them, but in some programs, if you refer people, you get paid even if you don't use the internet.. In this site, only internationally paying companies are listed. And all of them are ones which actually PAID internationally. Most notable is the Spedia. They consistently increased their hourly payot rate starting from their appereance on the net. Single handedly you can earn up to 40 dollars per program. But, if you refer other people just like i'm doing now, your earnings go up to 340 dollars per program. After joining any of the programs, build a referrral site like mine by using the help provided in the company sites, or should you use the links on this site to to join programs, and use my referrer id "ozgurzeren" when subscribing, then directly email me and i'll make you a similar site. You can find my ICQ number and email at the very bottom of the page.Also you can join multiple programs, they don't limit you.
In fact it's pretty much simple. Get the links you desire from this site, then get to the subscription form from there. When subscribing, give accurate information. Especially your adress. and you preferences. Because if you don't give accuate adress, your check won't reach you. And if you don't declare your preferences correctly, you will receive cooking ads while you don't know cooking and interested in skiing. When you have done the subscription, they will sedn you an email to the email adress you provided. That email will contain an activation code. When you receive it go to the company site, login, and give activation code if asked. This code is only needed once. After your activation complete, download the company's adbar then install it in your pc and then run it. It will login to the company server for you, and occupy a very small bandwidth. Then it will start showing ads. It may need you to click some comfirmation button to ensure that you are there from time to time. After that, read email, or get into chat somewhere, and while you are having fun, make money!
They use checks to pay. Checks are issued from united states banks, and are sent to every corner of the world. Provided that the country you are in is not sanctioned by the United Nations, and you gave your adress correctly, you get your check. For international users, checks are issued if the balance is over 40 dollars, for united states users, 20 dollars. The charge about 5 dollars for international postage fees, so if international, you can request your check once your balance is 45 dollars or so i think.
It is very important that you refer people just like i do if you want to earn considerable money. If you subsribed from here, email me and i'll help. Or you can use the help on the company site. You have a allowance for referrals in many companies. This allowance is generally 5 referrals directly from you, and each of your 55 referrals can of course make 5 direct referrals. This goes 5 levels deep. So your referral allowance is in fact very large. What referring is going to do for you is that, you will be paid bonus when they are online. They don't pay anything to you, or their earnings will not be diminished. But the company is going to pay you bonus since you made their advertisement. For example if you are aid directly 0.7 dollars per hour by the company while you are online, you will be paid 0.10 of that amount for each hour for every of your 5 direct referrals when they are online. In second level referrals you gonna be paid, say, 0.03 percent and the like. It may seem small, but thinking that if everyone referres everyone, you have come to refer 3000 people. Thus checks go up from,say, 40 to 240 dollars.
You can join ALL such programs existent in the world. There is no limit. You can run many adbars as far as your screen resolution, monitorspace, and internet bandwitdh allows. For average home user with 33.6 modem at 800x600 monitor screen, it's logical that 2 or 3 adbars running at the same time.
All of the firms are strict on spamming and some of them like spedia goes as far as contacting legal authorities. So don't spam. In case youu don't know, spamming is sending unwanted email to people you don't know to advertise something. Or posting commercial messages in noncommercial message boards and such. Also there is the cheating issue. Some people get cheater programs to trick the adbars into believing that they are in front of the computer and surfing while in fact they are away from monitor. Some of the companies can detect such cheater programs and kick cheater outta membership. So don't cheat.
In order to speed up loading of this front page, i put paying firm list in another page. To get there take the link below. Also now there is a forum where you can post any question, problem or comment whether you have signed to any program or not.